Adventures in Unemployment

I wrote the entry below about a year ago, around the time I was laid off of my post-teaching job.

I would love to report that during my handful of weeks of unemployment, I finished projects around the house, watched my spending, wrote down my goals, and stayed active with regular walks.  Instead I spent the majority of time in the doldrums, laying around like a strung out  crack you-know-what on my couch.  After applying to about seven jobs on monster, indeed, jobfox, etc. The first few days I spent in a quiet panic in my mind.  I was afraid to go to sleep because I just didn’t want to wake up the next morning with uncertainty.  What’s going to happen?!  I didn’t move forward with tinkering around the house because I didn’t want to spend money.

Then my circadian rhythm took a hit.  I considered flying a kite at night, for instanceI slept from 2-4am to 10am-2pm.  I ate one meal a day.  I was more prone to cravings for comfort foods.  My immune system took a hit.  I overwatched tv, dvds, etc.  Getting out of bed and getting dressed helps (don’t listen to your brain in the wee hours).

Then a job opening at teacher (gasp) came up.  I’d basically given the profession the middle finger.  But I watched some footage on Michelle Rhee (the Tupac of education). Very controversial and brought radical change in a matter of days that takes years to achieve education.  Like firing principals.  They never get fired unless it's something akin to a Dahmer offense.  They just get reshuffled (reassigned) to another school.  Even though many teachers hated her guts, her actions and many many education reformers made me feel empowered.  I can be part of the change.  Good teachers make a huge difference for students.

I’ve wondered if I did something wrong.  If I’m just being jerked around.  But that how God does it sometimes.  Builds trust and character.  Even though I’m still pouting.  I am so close to telling people to not quit their job.  Don’t make waves.  Don’t try to make radical changes.  Don’t try to break free of nothing.  Just go along to get along.  It is what it is.

Looking back, taking that leap was worth it.  Approximately a year later, and on my second teaching gig since then, I'm back in the profession (more on that later).  Year 2012 had a lot of adjustments, unemployment, underemployment, horrid employment, multifple employments new employment, intense employment, etc.  Finally, I've settled - somewhat, and ready to get Art by Brina back up to cruising speed.

About the last paragraph of my italicized musings - yes, I trust God more.  We experience turbulence because we're headed towards our destination.   Not pouting so much anymore, but I'm pensive.  Yes, quit your job if you must, but proceed with extreme caution.  Keep your day job, and do your thing simultaneously, even.  But everyone knows when they've had enough.  Make waves, change, break free, fall, strive, rebound, and thrive.

(reposted from previous blog)

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