Weird Artist Habits #11-15

11.  Stained clothing.  They make look normal on the outset, but upon closer examination there is a faint discoloration where they splattered yellow paint on their right shoulder 

12.  Sudden braking to pick up trash. That inconspicuous pile of junk furniture is a good reason for whiplash.  They are going to rebuild the furniture or scrap the wood to build something super fun and awesome.

 13. Relishes Halloween – an excuse to dress how they really feel inside without judgment.

 14. Weird friends.  Usually befriends a Mr. or Ms. BO, Mr. or Ms. A-Little-Off, and Mr. or Ms. I-Dress-Funny.  If you don’t have any weird friends . . . you are the weird friend.

 15. Themed outfits – Goth, prep, vintage, etc. on non-holidays

(reposted from previous blog)

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